Welcome to RRP Semiconductor Limited
We have incorporated as RRP Semiconductor Limited on 28th May,1980. Since
Incorporation our efforts were there to provide excellent services to our clients. We carry on in
INDIA or elsewhere in the world the business as agents, brokers, factors, commission agents,
adaties, buying and selling agents, distributors, indenting agents, sub-agents, estate agents and to
act as manufacturers representatives. We also buy, purchase, sell, lease, take on lease, exchange or
otherwise acquire lands, buildings and hereditaments of any tenure or description in India or
elsewhere whether for residential, business, manufacturing or other purposes and any rights,
easements, advantages and privileges relating thereto and either for investment or resale or for
trafficking in the same and to turn the same into account as may seem expedient and to construct,
alter, improve, decorate, develop, furnish and maintain offices, flats, houses, factories,
warehouses, godowns, shops, building and other structures, works and conveniences of all kinds on
any of the lands or immovable properties purchased or acquired by the company and to lease, sell,
deal in or otherwise to dispose of the same.